Anna_Friedmann/ Egor_Pankov for 6+ | Samp-Rp Форум

Anna_Friedmann/ Egor_Pankov for 6+

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Данный пользователь был заблокирован.
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помеха(but i didn't do anything)
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well, i was working as a dealer in the casino for about 3 hours. After that time, some stupid player(don't know exactly who, but he was a manager in casino) just fired me from this work for literally NO REASON(nobody at the table complains about my work). Then administator named Anna_Prohorova stepped up and said that I use some kind of a BUG, which happends when you fired from job at casino but you still can work. Well, i said no, just because of the fact, that i DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO BE FIRED FOR. Then this administrator just put me in a jail(you know that stupid jail where you cant get out from) for 30 mins. Literally, this administator didn't want to hear any versions of why I get fired from (i tried to tell her that i wasn't innocent at this point). But this stupid ass admin just thinks he's smart enough to do stuff without right knowlenge.

And after little conversation administator with nickname Egor_Pankov just kicked me out of the server because he also think that this is right.

First of all, Anna_Prohorova said that i had to discuss it with the manager(the reason why i get fired for), but manager wasn't even asked for anything before admin stepped out. I didn't even know who fired me.
Second of all, its undeserved to be kicked from server for being absolutely innocent at this point.

I want 200 000$ as a compensation for things, that those administrators did. I could potentially earn alot at this table as a dealer. I also think that this administator kicked me or made this thing to give a table for a person, who she or he related to
[archive] Скриншот выдачи наказания
administators nicknames:Egor_Pankov, Anna_Friedmann


1 287
4 112
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1 138
1 551
Дороученко) Ого, спик Юкрэйниан? Это хорошо. В общем. Тебя уволили и ты создавал помеху на столе, мешая стать за него другому крупье. Собственно за это и кикнули. Перед этим администраторы тебя несколько раз попросили отойти и сменить одежду, но за этим ничего не последовало. Так что как-то так)
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